What to Expect

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. - Psalm 95:1-5

We don’t have a dress code. We don’t expect you to have your act together or have it all figured out, because no one really does. We want you to come as you are. When you do, you can expect to be joyfully welcomed, with people eager to make you feel at home.

Come as you are…

… but leave wanting more!

Wanting more of God. The late Eugene Peterson once wrote, “worship does not satisfy our hunger for God - it whets the appetite.” Our prayer is that you want to come back for more.

And wanting more for yourself. God loves us as we are but too much to leave us there. What does it mean for Jesus to turn to you and say, “Follow me”? We would love for you to seek the answer to that question with us at Redeemer.

An EPIC way to worship

We strive for our worship and ministry to be EPIC:

    • Evangelical – we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and trust in the authority of Scripture.

    • Pentecostal – we experience the Holy Spirit and minister to one another by his gifts.

    • Inspirational – we are filled by God’s blessing in worship to be a blessing to the world.

    • Catholic – we participate in the one holy catholic (universal) and apostolic faith through sacramental liturgy in the Anglican Tradition.

Our EPIC elements are expressed in the areas of worship, mission, discipleship and fellowship.

Worship isn’t for spectators.

Worship is active and participatory. We stand when we sing songs of praise, we sit to listen with anticipation for God to speak, and we kneel (as able) to pray.

We rely on the work of the Holy Spirit in times of intercessory prayer for healing, worship in song, in the readings and sermon, and in confession of sin.

We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. If you are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and walking in repentance and faith, you are welcome to share in the bread and wine regardless of membership. If you do not wish to receive, we still invite you to come forward during the meal to receive a blessing from the priest, and we long for the day when you can share in this family meal with us.

We worship at 8:00 AM (no music) and 10:30 AM (w/ music, nursery available) every Sunday morning. Come and join us!

207 NC Highway 343 South Camden, NC 27921
