Who are Anglicans?
We do not presume to come to this your table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in your abundant and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table; but you are the same Lord whose character is always to have mercy.
- A portion of The Prayer of Humble Access
We are global in our presence.
Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with this approach to Christianity, but with over 85 million believers across the globe, Anglicans form the world’s third largest body of Christians. Though Anglicanism originated in England, there are now churches in over 165 countries, many of them here in the United States and the Global South. Church of the Redeemer began under the leadership of the Archbishop of Kenya.
We are apostolic in our belief.
To be apostolic means we are rooted in the teachings of the early church as established by the Apostles of Jesus. As the Word of God, we hold the Bible as the final and unchangeable authority for faith and practice. We seek to learn and apply scriptural teaching from the early church, so we rely on tradition and reason as we read the Bible together.
We are liturgical in our worship.
To be liturgical means that everyone has an active part to play in the worship service. In Anglican worship, we use all five senses. We speak as well as listen. We stand and lift our hands up in praise. We kneel as we confess and pray. The whole body is engaged in worship. To be liturgical also means to join millions of worshippers around the world as we recite the same prayers and confess the same faith with a liturgy that has been used for hundreds of years through the Book of Common Prayer, which is simply the Bible arranged for worship.
We are “three streams” in our expression.
Anglicans integrate three streams of the historic Christian church. We are evangelical in our proclamation the gospel of Jesus Christ and upholding the primacy of the Bible for our life and faith. We are catholic in our commitment to the sacramental and liturgical life of the worship. We are charismatic in our affirmation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and a way of life in the Holy Spirit that is to be experienced daily. We approach the faith this way that we may fully experience the abundant life Jesus offers.
Come and see.
So much more could be said about who we are and what we’re about as Anglicans, but the best way to understand this approach to the Christian faith is to experience it yourself by attending one of our worship services. We at Redeemer pride ourselves in being a spiritual harbor of hospitality, and we invite you to find out for yourself. We have services at 8:00 AM (no music) and 10:30 AM (w/ music, nursery available). We hope to see you there!