How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” - Romans 10:14-15
Local Missions
In the Spirit of Acts 1:8, our witness begins where we live. Here are the local ministries we serve in and support.
SOULS is committed to improving the quality of life for those experiencing homelessness or other disparities. You can learn more about the ministry through their website.
The Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center and Clinic promises a place of support and hope for those facing unexpected pregnancies. Find out more here.
Beloved Haven provides hope and support for victims of human trafficking and exploitation. Learn more about their ministry here.
Along with other area churches, Redeemer supports the Community Care Collaborative which helps those in need when they need it most. You can learn more here.
To learn more about Redeemer Park and how it will serve the people of Camden, go to our page on our website.
Benjamin House is an assisted-living residence for the mentally challenged, offering residents viable lifestyle options while strengthening their ties with family, church and community. Learn more at their website.
Church Planting
Our church is a proud member of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, and one of the chief priorities of the diocese is church planting. The leadership of the diocese has encouraged all the churches in the diocese to either plant a church or support those who are.
Global Missions
The mission does not stop where we live, but goes to the end of the earth. Learn more about the missionary efforts Redeemer supports.
The Word of God in every heart language. Learn more here.
Roberto and Cameron Vivanco have been serving the youth of Ecuador for over twenty years. Find out more about this wonderful family and ministry here.
The prayer of KCEP is that the love of Christ be brought to the children of Kenya through their Tumaini Academy. Go to their website to find out more.